You've invested time, resources and capital in a great website and link building. A small fortune is spent each month driving paid search traffic to your website. Since day one you've been building a reputation and customer base. Perhaps you're even investing in TV advertising, newspapers and billboards. All this media is driving visits to your website. Some people enter your sales process or purchase immediately. Many more do not. Repeat customers perhaps would act more frequently if reminded. Still others may be prompted refer your products and services if your brand had greater mind share.
Retargeted display advertising is not only the best way to reinforce your investment. It's also relatively inexpensive.
When visitors arrive at your website they are cookied. Ad networks such as Google's display network or Yahoo's ad network sense this cookie and show your ad that relates to that cookie.
Certain types of customers visit specific pages on your website. We develop sophisticated retargeting strategies which display targeted media to specific sets of your audience. For example, if a person visits a "Thank You" page subsequent to an order or lead submission, we can create different media to treat that audience separate from a general user. An automobile dealership may want to target a user who has searched a specific model vehicle's inventory with the current lease or finance special for that model as them move around the web.
We are experts in segmenting your existing audience, mapping out retargeting strategies and creating powerful ads to extract the maximum power out of your marketing mix.