With so many mobile device resolutions running ever changing operating systems how can you be certain your website is mobile compatible? Creating and maintaining a separate mobile websites carries with it an additional expense and is one more esoteric web property you or your team must manage. Add to that most smart phone users susing iPhones and Andriod devices prefer the "full" website experience. Ensuring your website is mobile compliant simply makes sense.
We are experts in planning and constructing websites which offer mobile device users as complete an experience as possible. By using technologies which offer similar functionality as flash, we are able to add motion and immerse a user in the full experience of your website without the drawbacks non-flash compliant devices experience. When there is no alternative to flash use we are able to use replacement technologies such as swfobject to closely simulate the full experience. The added benefit is increased search engine signals provided by the replacement technology.
Tablet PCs are quickly replacing laptops as the preferred portable device. We use the same process to verify tablet compatibility that we use to verify smart phone compatibility.